
Every Death Battle Season 8 Episode Reviewed In 10 Words or Less

It's been quite  a while since I've posted anything here, let alone a review, huh? Well, why don't we fix that? The thing I've tended to notice is that, with my reviews, because I usually didn't know the series too well, with a few exceptions, I just didn't feel like I could give an in-depth review, especially for a series like Death Battle. Thankfully, my brain sometimes has good ideas, and during the hype train for Harley Quinn VS Jinx, aka Season 9's DEATH BATTLE premiere episode (wow!), I figured this would be a fun way to give my thoughts on each episode, catching up on reviews, while also going over the three best and worst for each season. And while this isn't technically a YouTube video, I still feel I should thank JelloApocalypse for coming up with this style of review. A quick rundown of the rules: I'll be giving each matchup from last season a score from one to ten. A score of one means that it's absolutely awful, whether that be beca

Review: Sasuke VS Hiei

Note: There will be spoilers. Read only when your eyes are ready. Does anyone else think Sasuke's background in the thumbnail looks like a ladybug, or is it just me? The Background It's been a while, hasn't it? Hold on, how long's it been since I actually finished something here? Oh, only over a year. Whoops. Well, that's all in the past now. I'm finally feeling motivated to get some more writing done, and I figured "Why not go with what's recent?" Instead of finishing my Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate review, I've decided to review the most recent episode, which happens to be Sasuke VS Hiei. The reason for this is simple: Sasuke VS Hiei is more fresh in my mind than Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate, and I'll get back to writing that one later. For now, let's focus on Sasuke VS Hiei. As per usual, I knew next to nothing about either character. All I knew was that this was a semi-requested matchup that finally came through. Do the e

Review: Leon Kennedy VS Frank West

Note: There will be spoilers. Read on, if you dare. Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains... The Background Yup. That's really the opening I choose. I had time to change it, but then life happened. How ironic. Anyways, if you recall from the last review, I knew very little of these two. Going in, I only knew their names, and what game series they were from. Now that I've seen the episode, I can obviously say I know more about them. But did the episode prove to be more than just a standard horror game crossover? Let's see. The Analyses These two are definitely interesting to look at, considering they're basically humans in worlds of zombies. The folks over at Screwattack did a good job of presenting the information. There didn't seem to be a lot of humor, but the amount of information presented kinda made up for it. It does lose points for the fact that I can't use zombie hunting and killing information in

Review: Sora VS Pit

Note: There will be spoilers. Read when you're ready. You wanna know my first reaction when Sora VS Pit was announced? "It's a good thing Pit's an angel, because he's as good as dead." The Background I dreaded the day this episode would come out, because I knew that Sora would win. I still bet on Pit winning anyways, just because I didn't want to see him die. And it doesn't help that I have played Kid Icarus: Uprising, which is where a majority of the feats for Pit come from. I never played Kingdom Hearts at all, though I may get my little brother interested in it. It IS Disney mixed with Final Fantasy, after all. You can't really go wrong with that! But did this episode go wrong? The Analyses Honestly, the analyses weren't really memorable. And that's really disappointing, since I feel like these two had some pretty clever jokes that could be made. The avatar reference was pretty nice, but it just seemed... standard. Not reall

Review: Crash VS Spyro

Note: There will be spoilers. Read on if you so choose. Before watching the episode: "Oh, they've got Sean writing this episode. Nick's been with them for a while and his writing hasn't been the best this season. I wonder how Sean's will do?" After watching the episode: "I hope Sean writes more episodes, because this was fantastic!" The Background You know how I really wasn't on the hype train for Jotaro VS Kenshiro? Yeah, it's kinda the same deal for Crash VS Spyro. My experience with either one is very minimal. I've never played anything Spyro related, and my only experience with Crash is some Game-Boy Advance game that I never beat. That being said, how does this episode fair up with the others? The Analyses Holy wow, these were some really fun analyses to watch! I was going into this battle expecting standard fair, maybe a reference to the "WHOA!" Crash meme. But actually, it wasn't really brought up a

Review: Jotaro VS Kenshiro

Note: There will be spoilers. Read on, if you dare. Yes, I willingly chose pink as the color for the sections in this review. Why? Because in a battle between the manliest people, you need the manliest color, which is obviously pink. The Background Quite a change from Raven VS Twilight Sparkle, huh? Well, I can definitely say I'm a fan. While that would make it seem like this was my favorite episode, it's honestly only as good as other episodes. This is mostly because I really had no connection to either Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or Fist of the North Star, so I couldn't really be hyped up for this match as I was for the others. That being said, this episode was good, as always. The Analyses It's tough to talk about the analysis of each character when you really don't remember much from the episode. Apart from the feats mentioned, there really wasn't much that was spectacularly memorable about this episode, which I feel has been a consistent p

Review: Raven VS Twilight Sparkle

Note: There will be spoilers. Read at your own risk. Well, my inner brony is crushed, my inner teen titan fan is pleased, and my correct prediction streak is over. At least the music was good! The Background So, Raven VS Twilight Sparkle. Gotta say, this is one matchup I didn't expect to happen. I figured that when they brought Raven in, she would be facing someone like Jean Grey/Phoenix, not Twilight Sparkle. I knew it would be a complete curbstomp in favor of Phoenix, but I didn't think there were any better matchups. That is, until Raven VS Twilight Sparkle came out. It wasn't exactly clear how much these two had in common until they were put side by side, and now it seems like the two are a perfect match for each other. A-As opponents, not... for other reasons. The Analyses Both Analyses were pretty good. Not overly spectacular, but... pretty good. There is a bit of questionable information on both sides upon a bit of discussion with others, but overall