
Showing posts from June, 2018

Review: Sora VS Pit

Note: There will be spoilers. Read when you're ready. You wanna know my first reaction when Sora VS Pit was announced? "It's a good thing Pit's an angel, because he's as good as dead." The Background I dreaded the day this episode would come out, because I knew that Sora would win. I still bet on Pit winning anyways, just because I didn't want to see him die. And it doesn't help that I have played Kid Icarus: Uprising, which is where a majority of the feats for Pit come from. I never played Kingdom Hearts at all, though I may get my little brother interested in it. It IS Disney mixed with Final Fantasy, after all. You can't really go wrong with that! But did this episode go wrong? The Analyses Honestly, the analyses weren't really memorable. And that's really disappointing, since I feel like these two had some pretty clever jokes that could be made. The avatar reference was pretty nice, but it just seemed... standard. Not reall