Review: Leon Kennedy VS Frank West

Note: There will be spoilers. Read on, if you dare. Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains...

Image result for Frank West

The Background

Yup. That's really the opening I choose. I had time to change it, but then life happened. How ironic. Anyways, if you recall from the last review, I knew very little of these two. Going in, I only knew their names, and what game series they were from. Now that I've seen the episode, I can obviously say I know more about them. But did the episode prove to be more than just a standard horror game crossover? Let's see.

The Analyses

These two are definitely interesting to look at, considering they're basically humans in worlds of zombies. The folks over at Screwattack did a good job of presenting the information. There didn't seem to be a lot of humor, but the amount of information presented kinda made up for it. It does lose points for the fact that I can't use zombie hunting and killing information in real life (and hopefully won't have to use it,) but it's still cool to learn about two ordinary guys. Or as TV Tropes puts it, Two One-Man-Armies.

Favorite quote: Wiz and Boomstick describing all the different weapons Frank can build. It's awesome and ridiculous.

The Animation

This battle. Oh boy, this battle. Remember what I said about the two being humans in worlds of zombies? Well, that's the kind of scenario we have here. Frank's busy being a self-serving prick, and Leon shows up to tell him that it's not a good idea. Frank gets mad, then they fight, set to a chilling yet awesome theme: Resident Rising. ( The fight itself was pretty good throughout. Not extremely spectacular in any way, but it's still quite good. I honestly expected this to be 3D animated, since that's what a majority of their games are. But the 2D animation was surprisingly well done, even if there's something a bit... off about Frank's nose. Either way, the fighting was pretty consistent, and the scene where they're both fighting zombies and each other was enjoyable. Yeah, Black Panther VS Batman did something similar, but I like this one more, since it fits the characters more. The ending, albeit a bit predictable with the rocket launcher, didn't disappoint.

Favorite moment: As cool as it would be to put Frank's ice puns here (get it?), I gotta give it to the zombie slaying scene from before.

The Verdict

I can sum up this episode in one word: Surprising. I went in expecting a regular episode, and I got about what I expected. My expectations were satisfied with just about everything, and the ending pun was great. There's really not much left to say. It's not the best, but it definitely holds its own. Leon Kennedy VS Frank West gets a rating of...


As for Next Time...

There's no use beating around the bush with this one, considering it's been out for a while now. The next matchup is the long awaited Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate. I've always enjoyed magic ever since I was a little kid, so I was pretty pumped to finally see that this episode was being done. Did it live up to everyone's expectations, or did it have a "Strange Twist of Fate?" (Yeah, I know that's the pun they used in the episode, but I can't think of anything better.) You'll have to wait and see! But not for several months at a time. At max, maybe a week or so. I'm going to try and get one of these reviews done a week, or maybe every few days, in celebration for the 100th episode. Either way, we've got about a week and a half until then, but in the meantime, be sure to be on the lookout for my review of Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate! Thanks for reading!


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