3 Matches I want to see in Death Battle

Well, we're here! Season 5's of Death Battle has started! And since we're early into the season, I figured I'd just go over some characters or matches that I'd like to see in Death Battle. Not necessarily this season, but just... in general.

Match #1: Little Mac VS Makunouchi Ippo

Yeah, I know that we had a boxing match just last season. But that doesn't mean we can't have another one! This one's like, the only really "good" matchup for Little Mac, and Little Mac's one of the most well known boxers in video game history. Not to mention that I grew up watching my Dad play Punch-Out for the NES, and it'd be amazing to see Little Mac actually come to the medium-screen (since the big screen is for movies). I just know that if this fight ever became real, it'd be a knockout.

Match #2: Bayonetta VS Morrigan Aensland

And now for a complete 180. Bayonetta's most requested matchup was easily Dante VS Bayonetta, and we all know how well that worked out for her. While Sephiroth kind of avenged her death by killing Vergil, I feel that she needs another chance to truly redeem herself, and I feel like there's no better opponent for her than Morrigan from Darkstalkers. Besides, the two seem similar enough, and Bayonetta does have a new game coming out for the Nintendo Switch soon, so I feel like this matchup would be a perfect fit.

Matchup #3: Medic VS Moira/Mercy
(No thumbnail because this matchup's technically undecided)

Yeah, this one's pretty simple to explain. It's a TF2 VS Overwatch match, which is pretty cool, since the last one didn't exactly have the best connections. Plus, there's something that's just funny about watching doctors, the people who are supposed to help heal you, kick the crap out of each other. It kind of reminds me of those Wii Fit trainer memes.

I'm a bit torn on the matchup, though. Medic VS Mercy seems to be the most common matchup requested between the two, yet I find the connections between Medic and Moira to be closer. I prefer Medic VS Moira, but if they do Medic VS Mercy, I won't be mad.
So yeah, those are just a few matches that I'd like to see in Death Battle. Tell me some matches that you'd like to see in the future if you'd like to! Come back next time when I review Raven VS Twilight Sparkle!


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