
Showing posts from February, 2018

3 Matches I want to see in Death Battle

Well, we're here! Season 5's of Death Battle has started! And since we're early into the season, I figured I'd just go over some characters or matches that I'd like to see in Death Battle. Not necessarily this season, but just... in general. Match #1: Little Mac VS Makunouchi Ippo Yeah, I know that we had a boxing match just last season. But that doesn't mean we can't have another one! This one's like, the only really "good" matchup for Little Mac, and Little Mac's one of the most well known boxers in video game history. Not to mention that I grew up watching my Dad play Punch-Out for the NES, and it'd be amazing to see Little Mac actually come to the medium-screen (since the big screen is for movies). I just know that if this fight ever became real, it'd be a knockout. Match #2: Bayonetta VS Morrigan Aensland   And now for a complete 180. Bayonetta's most requested matchup was easily Dante VS Bayonetta, and we all

Review: Black Panther VS Batman

Note: There will be SPOILERS. Read with caution. I'd say Season 5's off to a pretty good start. I mean, Season 5's first episode had BATMAN. How do you go wrong with Batman? The answer there is... you really can't. Well, unless you have bat nipples. Bat nipples never go well with people. Anyways, if you didn't already know, Black Panther VS Batman has officially been released for non-FIRST members. I gotta say, I definitely enjoyed myself. I don't know if I'd say the matchup itself was worthy of being a season premiere, but the episode itself wasn't that bad at all. And since I've been slacking off on my other blog posts, I decided to try and actually push myself to finish something. So, I decided to express myself on the episodes of Season 5 by giving them all reviews, starting, where else, with Black Panther VS Batman. First thing's first, I need to address the biggest change: the opening music. Season 4 was a big change, but it was mos