Every Death Battle Season 8 Episode Reviewed In 10 Words or Less

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here, let alone a review, huh? Well, why don't we fix that? The thing I've tended to notice is that, with my reviews, because I usually didn't know the series too well, with a few exceptions, I just didn't feel like I could give an in-depth review, especially for a series like Death Battle. Thankfully, my brain sometimes has good ideas, and during the hype train for Harley Quinn VS Jinx, aka Season 9's DEATH BATTLE premiere episode (wow!), I figured this would be a fun way to give my thoughts on each episode, catching up on reviews, while also going over the three best and worst for each season. And while this isn't technically a YouTube video, I still feel I should thank JelloApocalypse for coming up with this style of review. A quick rundown of the rules: I'll be giving each matchup from last season a score from one to ten. A score of one means that it's absolutely awful, whether that be beca...